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At The Knight School our priorities are not the same as other chess schools. In The Knight School Chess Academy for Kids, our number one priority is always sportsmanship. That comes before winning and comes before everything else. We teach our kids how to lose graciously and how to win graciously. A second thing we have as our priority is making chess fun for the kids. It's a super high priority. The third priority is chess. You would think we wouldn't really learn too much chess, but actually we have learned chess great, and we have been the state champions for the last seven years in a row. The Knight School Chess Academy for kids has a great system.
In other chess programs, talking is considered a disturbance, but in The Knight School, it’s more fun. We’re allowed to talk to each other and have some fun.
The Knight School emphasizes the challenging aspects of chess in a fun way for the kids. It gives the kids something to focus on.

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